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Zambia’s Tasty Twosome: Cassava and Groundnuts Perfect Pairing (TUTE MBALALA)

In Zambia, there has been a diverse culinary that has thrived for generations. The cassava and groundnuts pair is a cherished culinary pairing that has stood the test of time. This delightful duo popularly known as Tute ne Mbalala (Cassava and Groundnuts) and frequently combined when snacking, brings together a symphony of flavors, textures, and…

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“From Azeleguzya to Your Table: Green Giraffe’s Sustainable Snack Sourcing Journey”

“From Azeleguzya to Your Table: Green Giraffe’s Sustainable Snack Sourcing Journey”

At Green Giraffe, we're not just about providing wholesome and delicious snacks; we're committed to making a positive impact on the environment and communities we serve. Today, we'd like to take you on a journey to Azeleguzya village in Katete District, where a remarkable women's nutrition club is making a difference in sustainable snack sourcing. Azeleguzya:…

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